Home #MODELMAMA The Preggers Green Juice

The Preggers Green Juice

July 27, 2016




This juice has been my favorite throughout my whole pregnancy. It’s sweet, so it gives me enough energy and, it tastes great, which is a huge plus when my taste buds are changing all the time. There were times when I couldn’t even look at food.

I’ve been trying to avoid eating too much kale and other cruciferous vegetables due to my under active thyroid, so this juice, containing 1 medium bulb of fennel, 1 cup of spinach leaves, 1 cup of pineapple, 1 small apple, 1 cup of filtered water and 1 tsp of green powder (anything you have at home, in my case- green barley, spirulina and chlorella) is a perfect combo.

Do the usual, blend all the ingredients together, then pass the mixture through a sieve to get liquid consistency. This recipe will make two full glasses. Don’t throw away any leftovers in the sieve, this green ‘meal’ will make for yummy green ice-pops (about 6 of them!) Freeze them for a few hours and enjoy!

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